Mailing Lists


Interesting Mailing Lists to Learn, Share and Enjoy

I created the following mailing lists with the purpose to share information about natural life, nutrition, vegetarianism, animal well-being, the environment, good humor and spiritual matters. In these groups we can learn, communicate our ideas and experiences, receive and give help, laugh, grow spiritually, let run our imagination freely and be the voice of those who can’t talk.


Green Path To Wellness

(Natural Healing for Humans and Animals)

is a list dedicated to understand, learn, share information, ask and give suggestions about all the natural avenues that we can take to keep ourselves and our families healthy and happy.

The topics of the list include the healing application of all the elements that nature provides, such as herbs, water, clay, sun, stones, wind, color, aroma, sound, as well as massage, nutrition, vegetarianism, fitness, prayer and humor.

Other matters pertaining to the list are:

Animal rights, the environment, human rights, peace, love, freedom of speech and choice.

I invite you all to participate so we can learn from one another to be much healthier and happier. Remember that we only will find in this list what we put in it.


List Owner


To subscribe, go to:



Yeshua King Messiah

Prayer and Fellowship Around the Messiah is an e-mail list created to discuss ethical matters, the Bible and the power of prayer, to give emotional support to one another and to pray with each other, to share personal stories and inspirational material, to make friends and establish a Messianic family online.

Everybody who loves God and Yeshua (Jesus), or is interested to know Him is welcome to this list.


List Owner


To subscribe, go to:



Pensamientos Peludos (Spanish language)

El Foro Canino Mas Divertido y Peludo de Toda la Red

Pensamientos Peludos es una lista exclusivamente de, por y para animales, creada para que todos nosotros podamos expresar e intercambiar nuestras ideas y sentimientos.

Estan invitados a participar todos los caninos, felinos, equinos, aves, reptiles, roedores… en fin, la fauna en su totalidad, inclusive, los Peludos que ya han partido al Cielo y los animales de peluche.

En nuestra lista se puede ladrar, maullar, rebuznar, relinchar, piar, croar anecdotas, historias, poemas, chistes, noticias, etc. Tambien podemos conversar sobre todo aquello que nos interesa a nosotros y divertirnos mucho.

Con mucho amor peludo,

Darla Onyx, Perro Guia


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